Assisted living options at TLC Management

Personalized Assisted Living

Residents can enjoy a life filled with exciting opportunities and enriching activities, knowing that supportive services are available for all aspects of daily living, if needed. This also provides peace of mind to families. With a commitment to making our resident’s lives as worry-free as possible, we provide:

  • 24-Hour Nursing Staff
  • Dining Services
  • Assistance with Activities of Daily Living
  • Housekeeping and Linen Services
  • 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments

TLC Management


1800 N. Wabash Avenue Marion, IN 46952


Our assisted living communities offer availability of personnel 24 hours a day to assure that our residents receive professional services with a personal touch whenever they need assistance. We recognize that each individual has certain needs so that they can enjoy the highest quality of life possible. Our team will work with each resident and their family members to create a customized care plan.

Services available to our residents include everything from bathing, dressing grooming, and assistance, to medication reminders and management.

Assisted living options at TLC Management in {location_city}}, IN